Vehicle and Props Design - Final Project: Post Production and Profiling

26/11/2022 - 12/12/2022 ( Week 13- Week 15 )

Sasilvia Cheong Pei Hoong / 0345031 / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media
Vehicle and Props Design / Entertainment Design
Final Project: Post Production and Profiling


Final Project
For our final project, we are required to create a key artwork for our chosen vehicle and also polish all 3 of the vehicles. 

We were given two options, one which was to 3D model our chosen vehicle or two to polish all 3 of the vehicles by rendering and drawing all their orthographics. I went with second option since I was not so confident with 3D modelling and was afraid that I would not have enough time to finish it. 

Below are my render and orthographics for the water vehicle. I named the hearse ship Nether since it means afterlife where the grim reapers that use the hearse ship are bringing the dead to the afterlife. 

Fig. 1.1 Nether rendered, water vehicle (9/12/2022)

Fig. 1.2 Nether orthographics, water vehicle (9/12/2022)

Finally below is my render and orthographics for the land vehicle which I named Nacarat. I picked the name Nacarat since both the air and water vehicles also start with an "N" and coincidentally when I was searching for names for my vehicle I came across the word Nacarat which is a name for a bright orange-red colour which is a perfect match with the land vehicle's windows colour.  

Fig. 1.3 Nacarat rendered, land vehicle (9/12/2022)

Fig. 1.4 Nacarat orthographics, land vehicle (9/12/2022)

Finally, I came up with a name for my chosen vehicle before starting the key artwork. I decided to name the airship Nocturnal which is a term for animals who are active at night and sleep through the day, similar to how vampires are. Since the beings who control the airship are vampires and they only operate it at night when there is no sun. After that for the key artwork, I wanted a spooky and mysterious background to suit my world setting. I drew on some dark clouds, lightning and bats. 

Fig. 1.5 Nocturnal key artwork before, air vehicle (10/12/2022)

Initially, the background was grey in colour, but my friend suggested that I change it to purple instead since it will have more contrast with the vehicle and avoid blending in with each other. 

Fig. 1.6 Nocturnal key artwork refined, air vehicle (10/12/2022)


Fig. 2.1 Final Project: Post Production and Profiling PDF (11/12/2022)


There was so much to do this week that I had to say bye-bye to sleep. I basically sleep at 6/7am for a whole month it was gruesome and tiring. Every time I wake up from my "sleep" technically a nap I feel so dreadful, I could not stay awake without drinking coffee at all and I am not a usual coffee drinker since drinking coffee makes my stomach hurt but I had no choice since I am not allowed to drink energy drinks T^T. Doing the orthographics for the land and water vehicle was still a bit tough because I struggle with the scale and perspective of them. Other than that, I find that I had improved in rendering, I was really happy with the final outcome of the vehicles. It was a long and tiring process but definitely worth it. Thank you Mr. Kannan for being so supportive with my ideas and for giving me feedbacks to improve my vehicles. 


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